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Jamie Bass

I was cleaning out my garage... I found a ton of letters from you when we were little. Small notes that you slid under my door when we were both sent to our rooms... remember that?! We would send them via barbie car across hallways!! LOL!!!!!!

I found a poem you wrote for me, and its dated June 18, 1987!!! Im so happy I have these things!

i LOVE YOU, I miss you so very much. I begin to write things down and its all so much and so fast a furious as it pours out of my memory... I can hardly keep up.... I love finding cards with your hand writing on them.... Lynsey called home the other day and said she heard your voice on the machine. She was so happy, not sad. :)

P.S. I call it alot too. :)

Tracy Christopherson
Remember when there was a string of food fight incidents happening in the Zwei High lunchroom?  We both had enormous bangs that stood straight up in the air and some how a wayward green bean landed smack dab in my bangs during a food fight.  I just kept talking and rattling on about whatever and you were sitting across the table from me with your eyebrow's raised and the slightest crack of a smile across your face.  You were trying to tell me casually that there was a bean in my hair, but due to the food fight in the lunchroom, the noise in there was at a low roar.  You finally leaned across the lunch room table and shouted in my face, "Tracy.  You have a bean in your bangs."  I pulled back in shock and brought my hands to my teased and hairsprayed head and accidentally smooshed the bean into my matted hair.  You burst with laughter and buckled over onto the table.  I returned your laughter, grabbed your arm and we rushed off together to the girls bathroom to rescue my poor bangs from that smooshed bean.  I can not eat a green bean to this day without giggling to myself.

I miss your laughter and quick dry humor the most.  We share another great memory during a Zwei High food fight that involved my sister, Joy Embry and a pair of crutch's, but I'll post that one later.  I sure miss you Jules.  I'll have to tell your girls about our "raunchy Thanksgiving" when they are old enough for cocktail hour.  You were always there for me, even if we lived miles and miles apart.
Jamie Bass

OMG... remembering how you used to 'charge' me all my green M & M's to enter your room and stare at your light brite!  And remember that time we fed mud pies to 'Andy' next door, and he liked yours the best!?! haha!


Remember how you'd pretend to be my blind sister when we had to walk to our piano lessons. I'd guide you, as you closed your eyes.

Remember playing 'house' in dad's boat, or running away only to hide in the front yard bushes. I could go on... and I will. I plan to keep this going so the girls can add to it too...


Lynsey loves hearing specific stories. She'll ask me: "What the scariest time you can remember with mom?" or "What's the funnies time?".......she loves hearing all stories about her mom.... I'll keep 'em coming. :)


I love and miss you, Julie....

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